Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Rape:

Types: Rape:

[Site] E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] English History

Representations: Literary Texts: Geoffrey Chaucer, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir Degaré, Sir Orfeo

[Site] E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] General

[Info] Gajewski, Alexandra. »Attack on the Castle of Love: Flower Power or "Traffic in Women"? An Allegorical Representation in Ivory Analysed from the Perspective of War and Gender.« Gewalt, Krieg und Geschlecht im Mittelalter. Edited by Amalie Fößel. Berlin 2020: 381-414.

[Info] Kümper, Hiram. »The injured body in context: Outlines for a legal history of rape in pre-modern Europe (c. 1250–1750) in cultural perspective.« New Perspectives on Gender and Legal History: European Traditions and the Challenge of Global History. Frankfurt/Main 2009.

[Site] English History

Cases: Fictional Victims: Sir Lancelot, Real Offenders: Geoffrey Chaucer; Real Victims: Cecilia Chaumpaigne; Representations: Literary Texts: Geoffrey Chaucer, John Gower; Types: Attempted Rape, Child Sexual Abuse, Marital Rape

[Info] Edwards, Suzanne M. The Afterlives of Rape in Medieval English Literature. New York 2016.

[Info] Gourlay, Kristi. »Roses and Thorns: The Prosecution of Rape in the Middle Ages.« Medieval Life No. 5 (1996): 29-31.

[Info] Harris, Carissa. »Compensating Rape Victims Isn’t a “Con.” It Dates Back to at Least Medieval Courts.« Slate (September 26, 2018).

[Info] Harris, Carissa. »800 years of rape culture.« Aeon (May 24, 2021).

[Info] Hill-Vásquez, Heather. »Desperate to Denigrate: Diffident Male Authority and “Rape Worthy” Women in Three Late Fourteenth-Century Texts.« 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2019.

[Info] Wingard, Timothy S. Representations of animality and sexuality in late medieval thought and culture. Ph.D. Thesis, University of York, 2020.

[Site] French History

Cases: Real Offenders: Jacques Le Gris; Real Victims: Marguerite de Carrouges; Types: Child Sexual Abuse

[Info] Yahil, Edna. »Rape and the Fourteenth-Century Parliament of Paris.« 31st Annual Conference of the Western Society for French History. Newport Beach 2003.

[Site] German History

Representations: Literary Texts: Heinrich von Neustadt

[Site] Icelandic History

Representations: Literary Texts: Sagas of Icelanders

[Site] Italian History

[Site] Spanish History

Cases: Fictional Victims: Sir Perion